Men's and women's salary comparison in Finland made by the ILO
Convention 100 principle "equal pay from equal work"

1. Men and women have different working hours per year.

From Finnish Time Budget study you can get the working hours of all men and women. men's working hours are
2087 per year and women's 1677 hours per year. But the official income comparison has been made only by whole
time workers without hourly paid overtime salary, so we must substract these away.

The whole time working men work 2133 hours per year and women 1782 hours per year without overtime hours,
which are paid by worked hours. Men do about 20 % more salaried work hours than women.

Note that in Finland chiefs can work without separately followed overtime hours, because they have "total
salary", which includes both normal and overtime.

2. Full time working women get 81,8 % of the income of men.

In Finland (like in most other countries too) manual and it-based salary systems don't include working hours
of monthly salaried white collar workers. Only those blue collar workers who get wages by hour, hours are in
salary system. Hourly paid overtime salary is available from salary data.

So when we compare men's and women's income based on salary system, it is based on an assumption, that both
men and women have equal working time. It seems a natural assumption, because all work 7,5 hours per day.

But as we see from cahapter 1, equal working time don't mean that men and woman have equal working hours per year.

3. ILO 100-based salary comparison (equal pay from equal work)

I have made a predefinition: On weekdays a normal working hour in a normal working time (7-18) is an equal work.
I.e. financial director's working hour is equal to cleaner's working hour, general's working hour is equal to the working
hour of a man who is liable to military service, a man's working hour is equal to a woman's working hour.

On that base, when women get 81,8 % of men's salary there is nothing wrong in it, because men do respectively more working hours.

The salary per working hour is equal for both men and women in Finland.

It is good if scientific results can be verified from other statistics too. I have have found following supporting results:
1. Working time (In Finland about 80 % of adults are paired)
    1a. Professor Hannu Piekkola has studied working hours of paired salaried people. He found that paired men do
        salaried work 19,7 hours more per week, than their partners.
    1b. Doctor Hannu Pääkkönen has studied those paired people, who both are full time salaried. He found that
        men do about 9 hours per week more salaried work that his partner.

2. Official salary verification
The official salary verification gives the same results as tax system,and in tax system is no working hours,
so official salary verification dosn't base on real done working hours, it is based on equal theoretical working time.

3. Salary per hour verification
When I look the tax system, I find that women's yearly income is 77,2 %% of men's income.  When I look the
 yearly labour force statistics I find that women do 78 % of the working hours of men. Both statistics include
farmers and other entrepreneurs. So we can say that income per hour is similar to both men and women.


In Finland women get 81,8 % of men's income, but there is nothing wrong in it,
         because men do respectively more working hours
The salary per really done work hour per year is equal for men and women
