Here you can read my doctoral thesis (pending) of wage gap in English.
(Olen kirjoittanut kirjan samasta aineistosta, siksi väitöskirjaa ei julkaista suomeksi sitten kun se ilmestyy, huomautus suomea osaaville lukijoille)

Here you can read in few words, what my doctoral thesis is studying:

Real done working hours versus theoretical working time.

Normally we assume that working full time means 37,5 hrs per week, but what I have found is that men working fulltime do about 42 hrs per week, while women do about 35 hrs per week. This means that men work 22 percent more than women, and this means that the pay gap between the sexes is perfectly reasonable.

I have studied working hours and salary statistics of Finland from year 2004 and now 2011 I wrote my third book "Vaiettua tietoa tasa-arvosta", published by Kustannus HD ( The publisher has rights until the first edition is outsold, so I give here  a short description of my three new studies.

1. The yearly working hours of full time working men and women.
    Result: Men do about 22 % more working hours per year than women.

2. The salary verification based on ILO Convention 100 - principle "equal pay from equal work".
    Result: Men and woman have equal salary per real done working hour.

3. The lifetime salary per work hour of men and women in private sector.
    Result:  Men earn 90 cent per equal working time, when woman earns an euro.

    Man's euro in Finland is about 90 cent!

A little more detailed description of my studies

Verification to Sweden. Look and become astonished !!!!

Read ILO Convention 100 here. Important articles are only 1 and 3.3
